Bookends: The penultimate mission has you break into the same army base where you were stationed at the very beginning of the game to steal a Hunter military helicopter.Bittersweet Ending: Vic manages to get his revenge and kill both Martinez and the Mendez brothers but not only he lost the one he cares so much, but his entire business as well due to being forced to lay low.Big Bad Ensemble: Jerry Martinez and the Mendez Brothers.Depending on how you play, this can also be Bald of Evil. Bald of Awesome: Vic has a shaved head.As Himself: Phil Collins appears in a few missions, complete with an in-game performance of In The Air Tonight.One of his primary motivations is to get money to provide for his sick brother Pete. He doesnt even want to be part of the criminal world at first, instead earning money legitimately by enlisting in the army, and only gets roped into it after being manipulated and betrayed by Martinez.
Anti-Hero: Victor Vance is one even more so than CJ from San Andreas. "Reddick" may sound like a joke Rockstar would make, but the town does exist in real life however, it is closer to Gainsville (home of the University of Florida) than it is to Miami (the city Vice City parodies). Aluminum Christmas Trees: In the game's setting, V-Rock is based out of Reddick, Florida rather than downtown Vice City. Almighty Janitor: The Big Bad Jerry Martinez is officially only a sergeant in the army but is effectively one of the major crime lords of Vice City. After briefly reuniting with the brothers she eventually steals all of their drugs and disappears.
Vic and Lances mother, Janet, is a crackhead who neglected her children, which eventually led to them living with their Aunt Enid. Abusive Parents: Marty, in addition to be being a domestic abuser to his wife Louise, at one point even threatens to beat down on their infant daughter for crying too much!.